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How does Reduxi Cloud calculate current consumption and power production on the facility?

Explanation of how data is displayed in reduxi cloud to an app.
Explanation of how data is displayed in Reduxi cloud to an app.


What process does Reduxi use to display data from current energy consumption and production in Reduxi Cloud?

It all starts with the Reduxi Configurator, where we add devices. The Reduxi Configurator has the following energy direction selection for the following categories:

- solar power plant - energy production,

- battery - production and energy consumption (the battery can "produce" energy when it emits it into the grid and "consumes" when it is charged from a grid or solar power plant - Reduxi system classifies it for its simplicity),

- car charging station - energy consumer,

- heat pump – energy consumer,

- meter – may be an energy consumer or a combined producer and consumer; this depends on whether we have a device connected to the facility that can produce energy. 

The energy direction parameter at the meter also varies depending on the location of the meter. For example, if we use an additional meter to measure the consumption of an e-charging system within our facility, only the energy direction - energy consumption is usually used.
The aggregated data is then displayed in Reduxi Cloud under each category. In the rest category (Other), devices which do not fall within the categories listed above are used for the calculation.

Example of a user's question - why is the calculation on the first page in Reduxi Cloud incorrect?


Incorrect calculation on the first page in the Reduxi Cloud application - explained bellow.
Incorrect calculation on the first page in the Reduxi Cloud application - explained bellow.


Specific heat pumps do not report actual energy consumption data from the heat pump, only temperature data.


Heat pump does not return data on energy consumption.
Heat pump does not return data on energy consumption.


Therefore, in this situation, our partner E-ING, Aleksander Lončarič s.p., tackled the matter by measuring the energy consumption of the heat pump via the Shelly 3EM meter. When entering the device in Reduxi Configurator, consumption and production were selected, while at the same time, the category heat pump. 

Looking at the top of the article, Reduxi Cloud only considers the heat pump data that have an energy direction: consumption. That's why the calculation on Reduxi Cloud was wrong. When we changed the energy direction parameter to consumption, the calculation started working correctly.


Reduxi Configurator - the importance of selecting proper energy direction for correct energy calculation in Reduxi Cloud.
Reduxi Configurator - the importance of selecting proper energy direction for correct energy calculation in Reduxi Cloud.


Would you like to add your device to the Reduxi Configurator and then easily scan it in Reduxi Cloud app? E-ING offers services for sustainable development, where Reduxi solutions are used to measure and optimize.